Friday, January 13, 2012

Four Square.

This is coolbert:

That U.S. military use in Iraq of police forensic science techniques is not without precedent! Originally I had thought this to be an American invention and innovation - - applicable to the low-intensity conflict.

But I am wrong.

The use of a variety of police forensic techniques useful in ferreting out those insurgents and terrorists hiding among the civilian population. Techniques to include:

* Swab hands of suspects for gunshot residue [GSR].
* Examine clothes in a similar manner for explosive residue.
* Autopsies.
* Fingerprints and DNA samples.

Means, methods, techniques, forensics to combat the terrorist/insurgent threat as done over thirty years ago by the British military intelligence in Northern Ireland. Police forensics having a military application NOT an American invention!

This was called Four Square Laundry.

A conventional laundry van operating undercover at the behest of British army intelligence, collecting clothing for cleaning and wash at a discount rate - - that clothing examined for gunshot and explosive residue, blood, etc.

"One spying method was the Four Square Laundry, a van which toured west Belfast housing estates offering a discount washing service. Clothes were tested for traces of explosives and gun powder, while two soldiers in the van's false roof space took photographs of suspects."

"The laundry initially gathered clientele by offering 'discount vouchers' (colour-coded by street), which offered a significant discount on laundry services . . . "

"Clothes collected for washing were first analyzed by intelligence operatives. They were forensically checked for traces of explosives, as well as blood or firearms residue; they were also compared to previous laundry loads from the same residence—the sudden presence of different-sized clothes could indicate that the house was harboring an IRA member."

Four Square was a legitimate business with the "embedded" military intelligence laundry van operating undercover, perhaps even without the knowledge of those civilian employees of Four Square.

That use of discount vouchers offers the prey a bait that cannot be refused. WHO does not want and appreciate cut-rate service?

The English prefer and use with proficiency the subtle and clever approach to warfare, especially that type of low-intensity conflict, the insurgency/guerrilla type of combat as was seen in Northern Ireland. The British are master practitioners of this type of combat!


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