Sunday, November 6, 2011

War Memorial?

This is coolbert:

Crime of this sort at least in my mind was only strictly an American phenomenon? But evidently this is not the case. Miscreants behaving very badly in a way that is hurtful and indicative of a perverse and troubled mentality at work.

Scrap metal thieves pillaging war memorials in England! Behavior of the most unsavory and unseemly sort. Barbaric even, such a desecration and violation of all that is decent.

And the English too! Prior to the Second World War the British people had the reputation of being the most LAW ABIDING PERSONS ON THE PLANET!

A sterling reputation that has now gone the way of the dodo?

"War memorials hit by scrap metal thieves"

"Thieves are targeting plaques from the UK's estimated 100,000 war memorials to take advantage of soaring metal prices, according to a conservation group."

"The War Memorials Trust estimates one monument is vandalised per week for its bronze, copper or other metal, despite them having 'relatively little value'."

Persons described as scrap metal thieves but NOT STEALING IN THIS CASE SCRAP METAL! Stealing plaques and memorials to the war dead!

And the value of the "scrap metal" relatively small! What is stolen is not even having much value at all! More than anything else, this represents stealing for the sake of stealing. Those dealers buying the "scrap" OBVIOUSLY KNOWING FULL WELL THAT THIS MUST COME FROM A MONUMENT OR MEMORIAL TO THE WAR DEAD!!


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