Friday, November 25, 2011


This is coolbert:

From that previous Chicago Tribune article we have a map inset showing:

"East Asian and Pacific countries with at least 50 active-duty U.S.military personnel (As of June 30)"

Those numbers of U.S. military personnel on foreign territory are:

* Japan - - 40,378.
* South Korea - - 24,655.
* Philippines - - 182.
* China  - - 82. (includes Hong Kong)
* Thailand - - 162.
* Singapore - - 157.
* Australia - - 178.
* Guam - - 4,337. (U.S. territory)
* At sea - - 12,856.

Perhaps the American military presence and now this new contingent of U.S. Marines to be permanently stationed in Darwin, Australia, is not so much meant to anger China as assuage the smaller nations of the area, SOME of which the U.S. is treaty obligated to?


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