Thursday, September 1, 2011

William Wells.

This is coolbert:

Here with the amazing story of the "American" military man William Wells. A story that gives credence to the adage that FACT is stranger than FICTION!

William also whose life of which is intrinsically connected to that of Little Turtle, war chief of the Miami Nation.

Carrot Top. William,  while still a boy taken against his will as a white captive of the American Indian Miami Nation, adapting so well to his new life that as a young man fought in a most valiant, courageous, and valorous manner  ON THE SIDE OF THE MIAMI NATION AGAINST THOSE FORCES OF THE WHITE AMERICAN SETTLERS!

William, called "Carrot Top" by the Miami because of his red hair, even BECOMING THE SON-IN-LAW OF THE FAMOUS WAR CHIEF LITTLE TURTLE!

"William Wells . . . was the son-in-law of Chief Little Turtle of the Miami. He fought for the Miami in the Northwest Indian War."

"was taken captive by Miami while on a hunting trip. Wells was 12 years old . . .  He seems to have adapted to Miami life quite well, and accompanied war parties- sometimes as the decoy."

 "Wells organized a 300-man 'suicide squad' that fought with distinction at St. Clair's Defeat . . . He served the tribe as a scout during his new father-in-law's wars with the United States"

William in LATER LIFE repatriating to the side of the white American settlers, receiving a commission as a Captain in the U.S. Army, FIGHTING FOR THE AMERICANS DURING THE WAR OF 1812 AND LEADING A CONTINGENT OF MIAMI INDIANS FRIENDLY TO THE U.S. SIDE - - KILLED DURING THE BATTLE OF FT. DEARBORN [CHICAGO]!

"In 1812 during the war with the British, Wells led a group of Miami to aid Fort Dearborn [Chicago] . . .During the battle, Wells was shot and killed by Potowatamis. He was dressed in Indian fashion, and his face was painted black in anticipation of death. His opponents . . . reportedly ate his heart to gain some of his courage."

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction! The life of William Wells surely attests to this!


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