Thursday, September 29, 2011


This is coolbert:

“'There is no out, . . . 'He’s in too deep.'”

Yet more instance of where my intuition has failed me.

This is a must ready for devoted followers to the blog.

Thanks to the New York Times a very exclusive story that clarifies with exacting detail some questions raised in previous blog entries.

That masked jihadist fighting with the Somali group Al Shaabab now categorically and unquestionably identified. And NOT who I thought it was. A fully committed American-born jihadist fighting with Al Shaabab, in a senior leadership role, a most dangerous person and someone surely in the cross-hairs of a whole lot of folks.

The jihadist known to the world as Abu Mansoor Al Amriki! Better known by his real name of Omar Hammami.

From those prior blog entries here and here:

"Abu IS a convert, A zealot, an ex-Special Forces [SF] man leading jihadi warriors in the way of the Salafist, emulating the first three generations of Muslims?"

"This man is a naturalized American Muslim who served in the SF and later went bad? Or was a native born American SF man who converted to Islam and has taken up the cause of jihad with the ferocity of the zealot??"

"The Jihadist Next Door"

Omar Hammami a native-born and raised American citizen, having a Syrian immigrant [Muslim] father and an American Southern Baptist mother. Raised as a Baptist, reverting as the Muslim would say back to his basic nature, adopting the life of the devout Muslim as a teenager. NOW WAGING JIHAD IN SOMALIA!

[Muslim jurisprudence states unequivocally so that any child born of a Muslim parent is a Muslim at birth and will always be so, no matter what!!]

Omar not having a military background, only a high school education, surely the zealot, a "white moor", NOT American Special Forces, but trying nonetheless to emulate T.E. Lawrence, the "Seven Pillar of Wisdom", etc.

A salafist for sure, emulating those first three generations of Muslim, attempting to follow Islam as originally practiced during the time of Muhammad. Sword and only by the sword!

The identity of Omar now fully established, the man no longer escaping and seeking refuge behind the masks the jihadist is so fond of! Open and notorious as they say, without any compulsion fighting for a cause against the land of his birth, treasonous and zealous both, a very extreme combination and again, a man MOST DANGEROUS!! For Omar - - "by the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air" - - and let it be a Hellfire missile!

See here page one of the entire NY Times serial! Once more - - a must read!!


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