Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Famine III.

This is coolbert:


Famine - - Somalia.

The most current and worst famine in that southern part of what used to be the nation-state of Somalia the conditions and the amount of aid available to those stricken only exacerbated by the military dimension.

The military forces of the African Union, Ethiopian army and American Special Operations in conflict with the Islamic fundamentalist and jihadist group of "militants" Al Shabaab!

A TEN YEAR LONG DROUGHT having hit the pastoralists of the area very hard, most if not all of their livestock dead, no respite from the overwhelming climatic conditions, refugees in the teeming millions seeking  aid from foreign forces, their plight greatly increased by the fighting intermittently occurring between the warring factions in that part of Africa.

About 4 million persons currently suffering starvation and malnutrition, caught between the proverbial rock and hard place, AID NOT FORTHCOMING AS NEEDED, a goodly number of those refugees in peril, the sick, old, very young at most risk, again, all this made much worse by the conditions of insurgency and WAR!

Al Shabaab dissuading the imperiled under their control from accepting foreign aid, all the while encouraging those same starving persons to rally to their "cause".

The news reports conflicting - -  Al Shabaab either gaining or losing adherents, none of this seems to be clear.

FOOD AID AND THE ACCESS TO SAME A WEAPON OR WAR AND CONTROL!! If you are with us you eat, if you are not with us you starve!!

"Famine weakens and divides al Shabaab militants"

"Popular support for al Shabaab has been dwindling in Somalia with the food crisis and the al Qaeda-linked group’s merciless response to aid efforts."

"Refugees fleeing the area have recounted harrowing tales of al Shabaab militants attempting to stop civilians from reaching aid centers, with some refugees telling reporters that al Shabaab militants had killed men trying to flee, saying it was better to starve than accept help from the West."

"Could Somali famine deal a fatal blow to al-Shabab?"

"Somalia's militant Islamist group al-Shabab is in crisis, as it battles to cope with the famine that is far worse in areas under its control than other parts of the country, leading to reports of splits in the leadership of the al-Qaeda-linked group."

"Somalia: Famine Helps Al-Shabaab To Find New Recruits"

"GENEVA — Islamic militants in Somalia who deny there's famine and block most aid are enjoying a boon in recruitment by giving people money at a time of rising food prices, United Nations officials said Friday."

"The hardline militant group al-Shabab, whose control of much of southern Somalia and ties to al-Qaida discourages Western aid, is boosting its ranks as other options dwindle for Somali families who cannot find handouts or afford to pay for food, the U.N. refugee agency said."

In a war-torn and destitute place like Somalia, merely getting the food aid to the refugees is difficult enough even if there was no fighting. Those persons starving and in grave danger of death from a lack of food have their condition made just magnitudes worse by the chaos and instability for which there seems to be NO amelioration!

A truce, a cease-fire allowing the foreign aid to flow unimpeded is the answer, but that is not in sight and is not  even on the agenda? Very sad!


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