Friday, September 16, 2011

Block 12.

This is coolbert:

Block 12. 

Here from several sources with the true and real reason that the Turk is sending naval units into the waters of the eastern Mediterranean, bordering Israel, Cyprus and Turkey. A confrontation is due, NOT SO MUCH because of the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza - - but rather because of Turkish concerns over Block 12.

Block 12 an undersea expanse "rich" with reservoirs of natural gas of an enormous abundance. Vital to many resource-lacking nations in the area, and NOW A POINT OF CONTENTION!!

1. "Tension Escalates Between Turkey and Israel Over Cyprus Block 12"

"Turkey has been trying hard to gain military presence on the offshore territory of Cyprus, where leviathan reserves of oil and gas are scheduled to be exploited with the cooperation of Israel by the end of the month."

The end of THIS MONTH is when the rigs are going to be put in place and drilling begun to tap the "riches"?

2. "Ankara threatens naval action over Cyprus’ Block 12 drill"

"Turkey insisted that the exploration was encroaching on its continental shelf, while Cyprus said the incidents occurred in a maritime zone that it has rights over."

"The Cyprus government signed a production-sharing contract with U.S.-based Noble Energy to launch exploration activities in a 324,000-hectare economic zone southeast of the island which borders Israeli waters and where massive gas fields were found under the seabed."

Several points here:

* Cyprus is of course now and for some been divided between the Greek half of the island the Turkish half of the island. And NEVER will the twain meet! The Greek part, the Republic of Cyprus fairly prosperous, the Turkish part NOT so much so! That Cypriot government signing contracts with foreign drilling concerns NOT willing to share with the Turk and indeed making claims to off-shore waters that are CONTESTED!

* Much [what percentage I cannot say with certainty] of the Israeli electrical generating capacity is from natural gas powered turbine generators. About 40 % of the natural gas as used by these turbines is from Egyptians sources. Sources NOW unstable and unreliable and subject to SABOTAGE. Obviously the Israeli concerned for the future sees these undersea deposits of natural gas AS THE alternative and is most desirous to cut a deal with the Cypriot if not out and out collaboration beneficial to both side!!

* ALSO, let it be clear that depriving a nation of a vital and absolutely essential resource [natural gas] is normally considered a casus belli!

The true and basic nature of this threatened naval confrontation between Turkey and Israel is NOT so much the blockade of Gaza but rather that natural gas supposedly under the sea, in "disputed" waters?

Of such matters WAR begins!!


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