Friday, July 22, 2011

Mullen & Stuxnet.

This is coolbert:

From the latest DEBKAfile Review dated today:

1. "US Adm. Mike Mullen honored by Israel's high command" 

"Mullen appreciates the IDF as the second strongest Western army after the US armed forces and America's most reliable military mainstay."

Mike Mullen, American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff being honored by the Israeli. Mike retiring as of this coming September after a very successful tenure as Chairman of JCS.

 "the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] as the second strongest Western army after the US armed forces"

The distinguished Israeli military historian and commentator Martin Van Creveld might disagree with this. NOT merely "the second strongest Western army" but perhaps THE SECOND OR THIRD STRONGEST MILITARY IN THE WORLD PERIOD IS THE ISRAELI! That is taking into account the totality of the weaponry and services, army, navy, air force, nuclear weaponry, outer space capability, etc.

2. "Stuxnet returns to bedevil Iran's nuclear systems"

"DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that the Stuxnet malworm which played havoc with Iran's nuclear program for eleven months was not purged after all. Tehran never did overcome the disruptions caused by Stuxnet or restore its centrifuges to smooth and normal operation as was claimed . . . Iran finally resorted to the only sure-fire cure, scrapping all the tainted machines and replacing them with new ones –"

That malware Stuxnet, malicious, pervasive, insidious, all-encompassing and disastrous to the Iranian nuclear program, peaceful or otherwise, still not down for the count, still doing damage, not purged. The Iranian left with no alternative but to replace thousands of centrifuges, those devices used to separate and purify the weapons grade [?] U-235 uranium in quantities needed for a bomb or other! Replacement having to be costly, time-consuming, laborious and a lot of aggravation!!

DEBKAfile on top of things? You decide!


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