Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This is coolbert:

Thanks to the Military Times and as posted by Dan Lamothe some photos of the M27 in action!

"Exclusive photos: The M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle in combat"

"The M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle was approved for full fielding recently by Commandant Gen. Jim Amos. Marine Corps Times profiled the decision in its print edition last week, outlining what it means for each fire team, rifle qualifications and the gear Marines bring to war."

This M27 to me again has the appearance of and seems to be no more than a modified M4 carbine with a bipod, some fancy add-ons and that is that! NOT much more than a M16 capable of full auto fire. NOT an automatic rifle as that term is generally, commonly, and ordinarily understood.

Please read carefully all the comments. Very enlightening from a lot of military vets and persons who have seen recent combat!

Note also in the photo the positioning of the radio on the right soldier and the response that particular item elicited:

"That Marine needs to move his PRC-153 to his non-dominant shoulder. Not going to be able to get shots off w/ any accuracy with the buttstock on your comm gear."

Believe it or not, Marines are fallible too!

M27 is good to go? A primary weapon of the infantry squad that will be able to provide that sustained auto fire that is the needed for fire and maneuver? For some reason I am skeptical of this whole thing! Other devoted readers to the blog are too?



  1. Hard to believe Marines are fallible.

    Good blog post, Coolbert. Rifles and radios and everything else keep evolving

    Keep up the good work.

    Semper Fi

    Craig Hullinger

  2. It's a modified HK416, not an M4A1 variant.
