Thursday, July 7, 2011


This is coolbert:

Some descriptions of Japanese soldiers starving, underfed and malnourished - - incapacitated by a combination of disease, exhaustion, wounds, and just a plain lack of food!

Submarine re-supply quite often  the ONLY way to bring quantities food, medicine and reinforcement to Japanese occupied Pacific islands - - the amount delivered NOT adequate - - ONLY prolonging the torment and agony of the surrounded and isolated garrisons, EXACERBATING an already dire situation, the stubborn and proud Japanese NOT evacuating their personnel in spite of all evidence that RETREAT was the more viable recourse!!

"Japanese ground forces on the island [Guadalcanal] were beginning to die in large numbers from starvation and lack of adequate medical care. Japanese naval forces in the area were also suffering heavy losses attempting to reinforce and resupply the Japanese forces on the island."

"the few supplies delivered to the island were not enough to sustain Japanese troops . . . The Japanese had delivered almost 30,000 army troops to Guadalcanal since the campaign began, but by December only about 20,000 of that number were still alive, and only about 12,000 remained more or less fit for combat duty, with the rest incapacitated by battle wounds, disease, or malnutrition."

NOT ONLY NOT having enough to eat but not enough of the right food to eat. Starvation and weakness from lack of food and malnutrition from a lack of the proper nutrition!

Evacuees during the withdrawal from Guadalcanal, Operation Ke, the 17th Army, in deplorable condition, troops not able to fight, barely able to even move or sustain themselves in the most basic form of existence, bushido spirit gone and totally lacking.

"'They wore only the remains of clothes that were so soiled their physical deterioration was extreme. Probably they were happy but they showed no expression. Their digestive organs were so completely destroyed, we couldn't give them good food, only porridge.' Another officer added that, 'Their buttocks were so emaciated that their anuses were completely exposed, and on the destroyers that picked them up they suffered from constant and uncontrolled diarrhea'"

Lacking that free and uncontested re-supply was not possible for the 17th Army, the Japanese high command should have been able to weigh their options, make the proper calculations, determine the correct course of action, cut their losses and order a more systematic withdrawal and retirement rather than allow a continued wasting away of an entire army. "Emotion clouds reason" as is normal. Again, the proud and stubborn Japanese chose the wrong course with disastrous results.


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