Friday, July 29, 2011


This is coolbert:

From the DEBKAfile, some "exclusives":

[I always mention this but the noted blogger going by the nom de plume of Spengler says that DEBKA is totally unreliable under all circumstances. You have to judge for yourself!]

1. "Syrian cities surrounded by tanks, Homs stormed"

Assad of Syria and his minions using heavy armor [tanks] in response to the uprisings that continue to not only continue but more and more grown out of control. Assad seeing a grim situation unfold, the die has been cast and Assad is looking at the odds not being in his favor.

According to DEBKA, SO MUCH armor being used to suppress a populace armed with the proverbial "pea-shooters" that the disparity in force between the combatants is downright obscene.

"Since Thursday, July 21, Syria's entire operational fleet of 1,500 tanks surrounds the country's most active anti-Assad protest cities such as Homs, Hama, Deir al-Zour, Abu Kamal and the big Damascus suburb of Harasta . . . The army refrains from going in except in large contingents backed by heavy armor and live fire."

"DEBKAfile's military sources report that Syrian army bases have been emptied of all usable tanks"

"In Hama, the rebels control the entire city and have set up local governing committees."

"The Syrian army has lost control of the towns of the entire Euphrates Valley of eastern Syria."

Please recall and read again the blog entry from some time ago, the city of Hama, decades ago now, blasted to bits by the father of Assad. Like father - - like son! Hama down but not out evidently, the rebels even now having the upper hand.

 2. "Slain Iranian scientist was working on a nuclear bomb detonator"

Another Iranian nuclear scientist bites the dust literally so. The hallmark of the Latin American drug cartel killer, the motorcycle assassins, finding their target and succeeding. ONCE more too. This is not the first time this method has been used. And the culprit is? You decide!

"Daryush Rezaee-Nejad, 35, who died Saturday, July 23, when two motorcyclists shot him in the head and throat in front of his home in Tehran . . . DEBKAfile's Iranian sources disclose he was attached to one of the most secret teams of Iran's nuclear program, employed by the defense ministry to construct detonators for the nuclear bombs and warhead"

3. "US, Saudi Arabia smuggle satellite phones to Syrian rebels"

Counter-measures and counter-counter-measures at work here? The Syrian rebels in opposition to Assad finding the "telephone and Internet links with the outside world" being jammed, disrupted and perhaps even having deceptive and misleading info introduced by a hidden an malevolent hand. NOW the rebels being given satellite phones! These are American military satellite phones that use the Iridium system? Iridium kept aloft for some time, the commercial value of the system non-existent, but the military use still appreciated and welcomed. THESE ARE IRIDIUM PHONES?

"26 July.  Iranian intelligence experts in Damascus have been disrupting the opposition movement's telephone and Internet links with the outside world and among fellow-protesters in the country. In the last two week, the US and Saudi Arabia have smuggled thousands of satellite phones to opposition leaders, DEBKAfile reports."

DEBKAfile is totally unreliable as has been noted by Spengler? Someone out there has better info on DEBKA one way or the other. Let me know if you do.


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