Saturday, June 4, 2011

Santa Fe & Los Alamos.

This is coolbert:

Spending a three full day vacation here in Santa Fe NM.

A combined high school reunion and vacation!

Some military aspects of the Santa Fe sojourn:

1. A large military cemetery in Santa Fe.

New Mexico suffered more per capita losses in battle than any other state in World War Two [WW2].

PRIOR to the attack on Pearl Harbor, an entire battalion of the New Mexico National Guard [NMNG], an anti-aircraft-artillery [AAA] battalion, was deployed to the Philippines. Fought in a brave and valiant  manner up unto the surrender of U.S./Philippine forces on Bataan and Corregidor. The entire battalion either killed, wounded, captured. Survivors suffering terribly as prisoners of the Japanese, AT LEAST 50 % OF THOSE INTERRED PERISHING BECAUSE OF MALTREATMENT!

It is no wonder that the military cemetery here in Santa Fe is so chock full, the residents of New Mexico having to pay a terrible price for their service - - devotion during WW2!! Brave and courageous men, one and all!!

2. Visiting the Bradbury Museum in Los Alamos.

Nuclear weapons, old and modern, interactive exhibits galore. History of the development of the first atomic bombs, uranium and plutonium both. A modern and outstanding modern museum that Bert highly recommends without qualification.

It is noted that current American nuclear attack submarines NO LONGER CARRY ATOMIC WEAPONRY. NO atomic torpedoes or nuclear-tipped cruise missile. This alleviates a question I had previously raised with respect to the all-woman crewed submarine? PMS for the submarine commander, an emotional state of mind affecting the reasoning process for the commander of a nuclear equipped unit will not be a question?

3. The Governor's Palace, Santa Fe.

The center of the city, in the time of the Spanish, the seat of government, a FORTRESS WITH THICK WALLS!

During the Pueblo Rebellion of 1680 the palace a safe haven - - the only place of refuge for those Spanish settlers in combat with the rebellious Pueblo dwelling American Indians. Contingents of soldiers, missionaries, Spanish settlers occupying the palace and resisting quite successfully further attack by those American Indian insurgents led by the charismatic leader Pope' [Poe-pay].

Those Spanish soldiers, missionaries and settlers eventually withdrawing south of what is El Paso TX., that area of northern New Mexico not reconquered until 1692!

That Spanish reconquest of northern New Mexico and Pueblo Rebellion actually receiving an honorable mention in an episode of Star Trek.

"The Pueblo Revolt is referred to in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode 'Journey's End,' in which Capt. Jean-Luc Picard learns that an ancestor of his, Javier Maribona Picard, helped suppress the uprising."

This Javier Picard is fictional? The man did not really exist Evidently this is so, but it does make for a great story - - and one that Bert would have liked to be true, so an to impress devoted readers to the blog!

Si' to Santa Fe!


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