Monday, June 6, 2011

Cpl Pun!

This is coolbert:

Shake the hand of Corporal Dipprasad Pun.

As well as one should. Shake the hand of a brave man who comported himself on the Afghan battlefield with great skill and courage. NOW Corporal Pun receiving high decoration from the very hands of the Queen herself.

Thanks to the DailyMail and the tip from Ken for this story.

A Gurkha standing tall in Afghan, a very proud tradition of military service to the British Crown continues. And continues in a part of the world - the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan - - and against a Pathan enemy of which the Gurkha is quite familiar.

'I thought I was going to die... so I tried to kill as many as I could':

"Hero Gurkha receives bravery medal from the Queen"

"Corporal Dipprasad Pun defeated more than 30 Taliban fighters single-handedly Used the tripod of his machine gun to beat away a militant after running out of ammunition"

1. It should be recalled that on the list of the famous/infamous Japanese Colonel Tsuji the Gurkha ranked number 4 [ #4] in terms of "fighting ability". Behind the Russian [ #3] but ahead of the American [ #5]. The Gurkha as an ethnicity not being physically intimidating but having a prowess in combat that is legendary. Men in combat not to be trifled with and respected by their enemies at all times.

2. Those impecunious British officers of the highest and most marked ability assigned to command the Gurkhas. Good officers in charge of good troops makes for an even better combination!!

3. An American Foreign Legion consisting of a brigade or regimental size unit one each of Gurkhas, Fijians, and Afrikaans speaking South Africans? Boots on the ground, providing combat troops of the highest quality, deployable anywhere in the world at the command of the President. This is do-able and even a commendable idea?

As it was in the days of yore, as it is now. Afghan during the Raj and Afghan over one hundred years later things remain the same!! Gurkhas! Don't leave home without them!


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