Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This is coolbert:

"What gets professional historians concerned is when certain people start
 calling these people soldiers. It all goes back to how you define soldier."

"Blacks' role in Confederacy remains touchy subject"

Thanks to Yahoo, a touchy subject indeed! Very much so and not understood in the manner with which it should be. Used by certain parties in a way that is inappropriate? You must decide this for yourself!

American blacks, either slaves or freemen, called "colored" at the time [1865], fighting as soldiers for the Confederacy? To some, the very idea is preposterous, even exceedingly so. But of course, as is often the case in history, NOT so preposterous.

American blacks, contributing to the war effort in a variety of capacities, BUT NOT NECESSARILY AS COMBAT ARMS TROOPS AS THAT TERM IS UNDERSTOOD TODAY! NOT carrying a rifle and marching into combat.

For the most part [?], what would be referred to in modern terms as logistical troops or support personnel!

Performing again - - a variety of task - - but not but with rare exceptions participating in combat as "fighters".

Black Confederates enlisted and primarily employed as:

* Construction troops.
* Valets and orderlies.
* Hospital workers.


"Most Civil War historians agree black slaves and even some free blacks contributed crucial manpower to the Southern war effort — but it was mostly menial work done under duress or for survival, not out of support for the secession movement."

"In the 1920s, 2,807 Southern blacks were approved for pensions authorized for black Confederates."
Black Americans Confederates, fighting on the side of the south, without question, in a very general sense contributing to the overall "cause", and NOT necessarily under duress or being forced, a loyalty to the "master" and their region of the country, the culture, their way of life - - this can be understood, as much as some would like to think and believe otherwise!
A touchy subject yes INDEED! But - - when understood within the right context, comprehensible!

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