Friday, March 4, 2011


his is coolbert:

Thanks to Yahoo News:

"WikiLeaks suspect forced to sleep naked in brig"

"– Fri Mar 4, WASHINGTON – The lawyer for an Army private suspected of giving classified material to WikiLeaks says it's inexcusable that that his client was forced to sleep naked in his cell at a Marine Corps brig"

"The Marines confirmed Friday that Pfc. Bradley Manning was made to relinquish his boxer shorts for about seven hours Wednesday night due to what 1st Lt. Brian Villiard calls a 'situationally driven' event."

Bradley is on a suicide watch! That "situationally driven event" is either an attempt at suicide or some sort of verbal intimation or suggestion that suicide was imminent.

Hanging yourself with your own undershorts is a popular way to "go-out" in prison. You loop one opening for the leg over a stout immovable object, place your head and neck through the other leg opening and fall forward, choking yourself to death.

So Bradley must sleep naked, under covers of some sort I would assume, but nonetheless NAKED!

It must be all dawning on Bradley now. The man has now come to the realization that this is not a lark, this is serious, and deadly so. The man is facing a very severe prison term [but not death]! Charges have been up-graded and now includes a violation under the Espionage Act of 1917. Most distressing.

Make a hard bed, sometimes you have to sleep on it. Naked or otherwise, not a happy situation!


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