Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This is coolbert:

“The rebellion was not successful because
there was no sense of cohesive patriotism,”
. . . “No one knew what was happening..."

"NO ONE knew what was happening".

True during the time of the Sepoy Mutiny [1857] and true now!

The situation in Libya has taken a turn for the worse? The Colonel seems to have rallied his forces and is re-taking territory vital for his regime!

With all that means for the rebels, if and when the situation becomes catastrophic for them.

"Gadhafi forces score key victory against rebels"

"RAS LANOUF, Libya – Forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi have scored a significant victory, recapturing the closest city to the capital to have fallen in rebel hands. On another front near the opposition-held east, loyalists trying to stop anti-government fighters from advancing toward the capital pounded the rebels with air strikes and rockets."

The Libyan rebels now finding themselves in a dire situation? This remains to be seen. One thing is clear, as even those adherents to the rebel cause make clear, they have no leader, no plan, etc.

Very reminiscent of the Sepoy Mutiny - - 1857? Those soldiers in the employ of the British, a rebellion successful at Cawnpore, stymied at Lucknow, and then defeated by a concerted British military force, the Mutiny also leaderless, not having a plan, working in an unfocused manner.

"Echoes of a Distant War"

This rebellion in Libya was a spontaneous action, not thought out, developing in an incoherent manner, the rage against the Colonel being the one constant?

It was hoped by now the Colonel and his despotic regime would have been toppled. That is not the case and the future appears bleak! At least for now.

And the aftermath for the rebels will be indeed - - DIRE!


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