Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This is coolbert:

From the FirstWorldWar web site an amazing statistic.

Casualties - - from poison gas - - during World War One [WW1] - - Russian troops during the Great War suffering casualties from chemical munitions in inordinate and disproportionate numbers, deaths alone EXCEEDING THE TOTAL FOR ALL OTHER COMBATANTS COMBINED!!

"Casualties From Gas - The Numbers"

"Russia: 56,000 Deaths [419,340 casualties total]"

Those stats regarding the Russian total casualties and deaths indicative of a lack of preparedness, equipment, training, and medical aid. A combination of factors that made the Russian WW1 soldier particularly susceptible to poison gas attack.

Recall that the first use of mustard agent as DELIVERED BY ARTILLERY SHELL was against the Russians - - Riga - - 1917!

Since the end of WW1 - - since the time of communist rule - - and too since even after communist rule, the Russian has been considered to be the master of chemical warfare, setting the standard by which all others are judged? Best chemical capability both offensively and defensively?

A whole range of poison gases stockpiled from which to select - - and an ability to protect their own men from retaliation.

Accord to Penkovskiy, in case of all-out war with NATO, the decision to use chemical munitions had been made in advance, army commanders at their discretion deciding the when and where to employ these WMD!

The Russian experience in WW1 was most troubling, even traumatic? The Russian did not want to relive what occurred at the hands of the German and rather desired to dish it out if need be? So it seems.

The chemical capability both offensively and defensively of the Russian army remains formidable? If so, it is easily understandable WHY this is so?


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