Monday, March 21, 2011


This is coolbert:


Cope India.

Here from 2004 and 2005, DACT exercises, simulated "dogfighting", Indian Air Force pilots and planes, versus American Air Force and planes, the latter defeated most [90 %] of the time.

Cope India 2004 and Cope India 2005. American piloted F-15 and F-16 versus a variety of Indian piloted Soviet/Russian combat warplanes!

This is a good simulation, a good test of aircraft, pilots, training, doctrine, tactics, means and methods? The Indian Air Force flying predominantly Soviet/Russian aircraft, using Soviet/Russian doctrine, training and tactics, arrayed against their American opposition. This is AS REAL WORLD AS IT CAN GET WITHOUT SHOTS BEING FIRED?

1. "INDIA 1, USAF 0"

"in recent exercises, Indian flyboys in low-tech Russian and French jets defeated American F-15C pilots more than 90 percent of the time."

2. "USAF vs. Indian Air Force -- Cope India 2005"

"'The Sukhoi is a ... better plane than the F-16,' . . . 'But we're not talking about a single aircraft. We're talking about the overall infrastructure, the command and control systems, the radar on the ground and in the air, the technical crew on the ground, and how do you maximize that infrastructure. This is where the learning curve takes place.'" - - Vinod Patney, Indian Air Marshal [retired].

The Air Marshal is correct in his assessment? These scenarios are stage-managed and choreographed to a degree and NOT a free-for-all melee'? YES! heavily stage-managed and choreographed to give as full and complete a test and simulation as possible. Must be understood correctly so within a wider context? But still indicative of a "learning curve" that is most illuminating and perhaps even unexpected!

NO ONE killed - - valuable lessons learned, hardware, doctrine, tactics, methods and means put to a real test!


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