Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This is coolbert:

From a recent comment to the blog:

"Character, Demonstrated Knowledge
( recurrent testing throughout one's career ),
and Objective Evaluation of Performance
were used and whose motto was
'Better No Officer than a Bad Officer'"

Recurrent testing?

This is an idea that has merit? But never seemingly ever implemented? Retention of career military officers in large measure based upon "recurrent testing", demonstrable proficiency and knowledge of general and specialized military subjects A MUST!

And from the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu, the translation by Lionel Gilles, as annotated and edited by James Clavell, an extract from the foreword by Clavell most pertinent:

"If I were a commander in chief or president or prime minister
I would go further; I would have written into law that all officers,
particularly all generals, take yearly oral and written examination
on these thirteen chapters, the passing mark being 95 percent - -
any general failing to achieve a pass to be automatically and summarily
dismissed without appeal, and all other offices to have automatic demotion."

Among that "recurrent testing" would be an oral and written exam, administered yearly, on the "Art of War"?

Such an idea is not far fetched? I would have to think that an annotated version of the book would be most valuable. Such is the always valuable, timeless, and eternal verities and truths of war as enunciated by Sun that a basic understanding thereof is an essential. ONLY one recurrent test among many, but an essential that cannot be ignored?


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