Monday, February 21, 2011


This is coolbert:

Here thanks to a tip with the story of the Nihang. A warrior caste - - found among the Sikh religious ethnic group.

The Sikhs as a religion and people having totally embraced the warrior ethic! The Nihang regarded as the "shock troops" of the ethnicity, highly regarded and esteemed.

"Nihang . . . is an armed Sikh order. Early Sikh military history is dominated by the Akali Nihang military order, particularly for many famous military victories won while often heavily outnumbered . . . The Nihang order is mostly ceremonial in peacetime but during times of war, they have historically spear-headed the attack on the enemies of the Sikh religion."

The Nihang famous for their consumption of cannabis [hemp/marijuana], as an aid to meditative practices:

"Nihang consume cannabis . . . to help in meditation . . . 'peace-giver' is the term Nihang use when they it. It was traditionally crushed and taken as a liquid, or baked into cookies and eaten, especially during festivals . . . It is never smoked" [smoking is forbidden to the khalsa, those enrolled members of the Sikh faith!]

A group now whose role is mostly ceremonial in nature. But also a lot of prestige for belonging to the "caste"?

The Zulu also were renowned for the use of dagga, the local African form of cannabis, the drug being given to Zulu "commando" units prior to a battle! Dagga and bhang [the Indian form of cannabis] both having a calming effect. Bhang can be mixed with milk and drunk! Mellow!


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