Sunday, February 27, 2011


This is coolbert:

The Colonel - - the long-time dictator of Libya, facing an uprising of unprecedented scale, not willing to trust his own soldiers - - hiring and employing mercenaries. This is now a well-known and reported fact. Mercenaries shooting with abandon unarmed civilians, the rebels!

Mercenaries in name only, foreign nationals, migrants in many circumstances, NOT EVEN trained soldiers, evidently young men and boys, teenagers mostly, having an AK thrust into their hands and told to: "go get them!" "Them" the rebels, those in rebellion against the despotic rule of the Colonel!

"Mercenaries" in name only, routed and sent fleeing in almost a heartbeat by the first sign of resistance, NOT trained military men with a structured force!

NOW facing the music and the music is grim indeed!!

"African mercenaries in Libya nervously await their fate"

"Mercenaries captured in Libya are facing an uncertain future, writes Nick Meo in Al-Bayda."

"Crowded into an empty classroom which was stinking of unwashed bodies and reeking of fear, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's defeated mercenary killers awaited their fate."

"A week earlier the men – Libyan loyalists of the dictator and black African recruits – had been landed at airports throughout eastern Libya and sent out into the streets to shoot protesters in a murderous rampage. They killed dozens before they were overwhelmed by anti-Gaddafi militias."

The Colonel, so fond of the most ostentatious displays of military hardware and the most regimented and spiffy marching troops, finds his own people not even willing to defend him - - rather, want to do the blighter in and fast too!

Over forty years of autocratic and tyrannical rule is coming to an end? This remains to be seen? Perhaps the son Saif can muster the defense? After all, Saif means "Sword".

May the sword be DULL!!


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