Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spice I.

This is coolbert:


Here with troubling news from the military academies. The Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy both having to expel cadets and midshipmen.

Use of a "drug" - - SPICE - - LEGAL in many locales, can be bought over the counter, but a prohibited substance - - an intoxicant - - verboten to members of the military.

Spice mimics marijuana, being used by the students, against general orders, expulsions already having been done, and maybe more on the way. NO expulsions from the military academy at West Point - - at least not yet.

1. "Naval Academy Expels 7 in 'Spice' Probe"

"The U.S. Naval Academy has expelled seven midshipmen for the possession or use of 'spice,' a synthetic marijuana product that has been gaining popularity because it is hard to detect in drug testing and, until recently, was legal."

UNTIL recently? NO! Still legal in many locales, including Colorado [USAFA]. Forbidden for military personnel, but not civilians.


"U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. - The Air Force Academy is
currently investigating approximately 25 cadets for violating a General
Order prohibiting the use of an intoxicating substance, commonly known
as 'Spice.' The investigation remains ongoing and any additional
allegations will be fully investigated as well. Since the Academy
Superintendent issued the General Order in April, five cadets have been
separated from the United States Air Force Academy for using Spice."

This Spice is unknown to me. But then I am not one to take intoxicants but only for the meagre amount of wine I drink from time to time, and then sparingly and with a meal. Too, I am a stodgy old-timer and better off for it also.

Question I have is - - do the cadets and midshipmen have to undergo regular random or pervasive drug testing, or are they on a honor code? For that matter, are those of the American officer corps required to submit to drug testing too, as is mandatory for the enlisted men.

These young men, cadets and midshipmen [females too if any are involved] have done themselves a big wrong, and are going to regret it the rest of their lives. Too bad.


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