Sunday, January 30, 2011


This is coolbert:

When I saw this photo in the Chicago Tribune today, I knew there was a story behind it, and there is.

The torches, the long procession, the flags, the wearing of masks. This catches your attention right away.

29 January. A "holy" day in the Ukraine.

A commemoration of the Battle of Kruty. This is an episode from history until just a few minutes ago was totally unknown to me. But to the Ukrainian nationalist, is an event of epic proportions.

Several hundred military cadets and students defending against a much larger contingent of Bolsheviks [1918]. The fate of the newly formed and what was to be short-lived Ukrainian Republic in the balance. A loss for the Ukrainians, but not forgotten.

"The Battle of Kruty . . . was a battle which took place on January 29, 1918, near railway station 'Kruty'"

"Throughout the years, the true story of the battle was hidden from view by the Soviet Government . . . the historic battle . . . is remembered each year on or around January 29"

"300 students, cadets and schoolboys were killed, during a combat against the regular Red Army on Jan. 29, 1918, to protect the new-born Ukraine's People Republic against Bolshevik aggression."

ONLY with the demise of the old Soviet Union have the Ukrainian people gained their independent nation - - the memories of Kruty not forgotten, even celebrated!


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