Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This is coolbert:

"It was built because since Indian Independence
over 20 million Bangladeshis have crossed into
India illegally causing demographic change,
resource constraint and communal tension."
[India is predominantly Hindu and Bangladesh
is predominantly Muslim!]

It has been completed.

The 4,000 kilometer [2,500 miles] barrier, a double-fence, between India and Bangladesh. A significant deterrent to the movement of illegal migrants, a means for India to protect their border, their territory, their sovereignty.

"The Indo-Bangladeshi barrier or Indo-Bangladeshi border fencing is a 4,000-kilometer fence that India is presently constructing to seal off the Indian-Bangladeshi international border in order to prevent illegal immigration and the smuggling of weapons and narcotics."

"The barrier is just under three meters high with the aim of stopping the infiltration of terrorists and preventing smuggling and large-scale illegal immigration from Bangladesh into neighbouring Indian states"

Again, a double-fence, about three meters high [I had originally read or thought the fences were four meters high], with razor wire abundantly spread in the gap between the fences. Portions of the fence either lit at night or even electrified!!

Almost a total "stop" to persons a-foot, attempting to illegally cross from Bangladesh into India. [the traffic is one-way only?] Persons, illegal migrants, terrorists, gangs of criminals, etc.

AND assiduously patrolled by the units and troops of the Border Security Force [BSF]. A para-military organization dedicated to protecting the borders of India from unwanted intrusion. That fence barrier guarded by men armed with assault rifles, border defense taken quite seriously by the government of New Delhi!

"Border Security Force"

"The Border Security Force (BSF) is a border patrol agency of the Government of India . . . it is a component of the paramilitary forces of India (PMF) and its primary role is to guard India's international borders during peacetime and also prevent transnational crime . . . It is one of the many law enforcement agencies of India."

"a strength of 240,000 personnel in 186 battalions, including women battalions, it is one of the world's largest border patrol forces."

See this YouTube video of the barrier: "Tripura Bangladesh border fence India". Please note that those camouflaged troops of the BSF appear to be carrying clone versions of the AK?

The British Admiral Parry just a few years ago was of the opinion that Bangladesh was the ONE nation in the world most susceptible to a total breakdown, precipitating a slow but sure collapse of the world order as we know it. A teeming population, endemic poverty, Islamic fundamentalism, crop land inundated by rising sea level, etc. The central government of India has taken proper note and has taken measures in advance of a "crack-up", if and when such an event does occur?

This fencing, this barrier is another man-made wonder of the earth? Visible from the moon with the unaided eye, that sort of stuff? Maybe so!


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