Saturday, September 25, 2010

USS Constitution.

This is coolbert:

Thanks to the wiki entry for that most famous warship in the history of the U.S. Navy - - some elucidation on the variety of missions as performed during the over two hundred year [200] career of the USS Constitution.

1. A warship. Obvious. Serving as a ship-of-the-line until the time of steam. A sailing ship, a war vessel with a combat record second to none. WHEN BRITANNIA RULED THE WAVES, CONSTITUTION GAVE THE ENGLISH A COMEUPPANCE!!

2. A training ship.

"A training ship is a ship used to train students as sailors . . . Essentially there are two types: those used for training at sea and old hulks used to house classrooms."

3. A receiving ship.

"A receiving ship is a ship that is used in harbor to house newly recruited sailors before they are assigned to a crew."

"Receiving ships were typically older vessels that could still be kept afloat, but were obsolete or no longer seaworthy."

Here is an image of the USS Constitution at dock, the year is 1905, the ship serving as a barracks!

4. A museum ship.

"A museum ship . . . is a ship that has been preserved and converted into a museum open to the public . . . also used for training and recruitment purposes"

And - - the USS Constitution - - NOT merely a museum piece, but something much more than that. A symbol of the nation, a historical item of much pride and honor, revered!

A warship still on active status with the U.S. Navy. Manned by active duty sailors, and currently [only recently] capable of independent movement and sailing capability. The traditional war vessel from the era of sail still going strong - - undergoing constant restoration to the original as launched!!


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