Thursday, September 9, 2010

Site 85.

This is coolbert:

"This was the largest single ground combat loss of USAF personnel during the Vietnam war"

Soon - - a Medal of Honor [MoH] to be awarded - - to an airman - - killed in combat action from the Vietnam War, over forty years ago now!!

Chief Master Sgt. Richard L. “Dick” Etchberger having been posthumously awarded the Air Force Cross for his Vietnam era heroics, the original decoration now being upgraded to the highest award for valor [MoH] that can be bestowed by the U.S.!

"Obama to Award Medal of Honor to Vietnam-era Airman"

"WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 2010 – A fallen Vietnam War-era airman will posthumously receive the Medal of Honor for heroism from President Barack Obama during a Sept. 21 White House ceremony."

"Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Richard L. “Dick” Etchberger was killed March 11, 1968, in Laos during the battle of Mount Phou Pha Thi."

Heroics in the defense of Site 85. An electronics facility vital to the air war over the skies of North Vietnam. A navigation and radar site absolutely essential to the "Rolling Thunder" campaign.

"The MSQ-77 is [was] a sophisticated piece of electronic equipment to direct air strikes without the pilot actually seeing his target. The advantages being 1) that the aircraft can fly at an altitude reachable only by Surface to Air Missiles (SAM) and 2) bombing can be accomplished in all types of weather day or night."

The attack and destruction of this site by North Vietnamese forces controversial to say the least.

U.S. airmen, isolated and totally out of their league, more or less trapped on a mountain top, twenty or so airmen with twelve [12] battalions of North Vietnamese infantry [NVA] arrayed against them!

Etchbergber killed during the battle and evacuation, paying the ultimate price, brave unto the end beyond measure.


* Being awarded the MoH more than forty years after the fact is almost unprecedented?

* Those airmen at Site 85 were totally unequipped and unprepared, untrained and unready to do combat with a highly skilled and motivated enemy!

* What are described as NVA "rangers" or "commandos" in actuality were SAPPERS, noted for their ability to penetrate any sort of defensive position and wreak havoc, normally using demolition and satchel charges while on the attack. Quite often penetrating defenses WHILE NAKED!! With regard to special operations troops of the sapper/demolition variety, THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!


* For an enlisted airman to receive a MoH is a very rare event. Other than the PJ's [pararescue jumpers] and the Air Force Security troops, air force [USAF] enlisted personnel for the most part are almost without exception non-combat arms.

* These airmen at Site 85 were on civilian status in neutral territory, given a cover story, a "black operation"! Ambassador to Laos Sullivan seems to the only man keenly aware of the danger those airmen were in? Troops on "black ops" mission normally are not awarded decorations, heroism or not?


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