Sunday, September 12, 2010


This is coolbert:

"'The Russians have been playing games with us, the Americans and French in the North Atlantic,' a senior Navy commander said."

Shark! Akula in Russian means SHARK!

Here thanks to the Telegraph, more disturbing news vis-a-vis the Russian military threat and the Russian "flexing muscles"!

"Russian subs stalk Trident in echo of Cold War "

"Russian submarines are hunting down British Vanguard boats in a return to Cold War tactics not seen for 25 years, Navy chiefs have warned."

"A specially upgraded Russian Akula class submarine has been caught trying to record the acoustic signature made by the Vanguard submarines that carry Trident nuclear missiles"

"British submariners have also reported that they are experiencing the highest number of 'contacts' with Russian submarines since 1987"


* Those British Trident missile firing submarines are the MAIN STRIKING FORCE OF THE ENGLISH INDEPENDENT NUCLEAR DETERRENT!! Each sub having sixteen missiles - - each missile having ten warheads. A formidable deterrent, more or less undetectable, or so was thought.

* Undersea "contacts" with the Russians of a type not seen in over twenty years. Resurgent and very proud Russian once again posing a threat. Machinations NOT needed and part of a clear and distinct pattern.

* The Soviet/Russian "Akula" class submarine in a CLASS by itself! Powered by a liquid-metal cooled nuclear reactor that allows for a whole lot of power [Akula is reputed to achieve underwater speed that allow the sub to OUTRUN THE FASTEST AMERICAN TORPEDO!!] - - and a hull made of titanium [super light but super strong], a crush depth for Akula of about 4,000 feet [1,300 meters] allegedly! Far beyond the capability of American and NATO submarines.

* This is specially outfitted Akula for reconnaissance purposes? Akula was NEVER intended to be a long-range patrol boat but originally was foremost a "test-bed" for undersea warfare technologies? Never built or deployed in "numbers"!

This disturbing trend on the part of the Russians is all for no good!


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