Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Evade & Evasion II.

This is coolbert:


Survive and evade - - Spetsnaz.

Here with, according to the defector Suvorov, an instance of how the Soviet/Russian train their elite special purpose forces [Spetsnaz] in the art of survival, evasion, eluding! A much more realistic and formidable type of challenge. And MUCH MORE DANGEROUS TOO! Much more!

"In the conditions prevailing in Western Europe today different habits and different training methods are necessary. For this part of their training spetsnaz soldiers are dressed in black prison jackets and dropped off at night in the centre of a big city. At the same time the local radio and television stations report that a group of especially dangerous and criminals have escaped from the local prison . . . The population thus get only small crumbs of information, so that they are scared stiff of criminals about whom all sorts of fantastic stories start circulating."

"The 'criminals' [spetsnaz troops] are under orders to return to their company. The local police [militia] and MVD troops are given the job of finding them . . . The middle and lower ranks of the MVD operate as if it were the real thing."

Spetsnaz soldiers, dressed as escaped convicts, being told to repatriate themselves, eluding and evading capture! Chased as if they were actual escaped criminals, dangerous!

Those in pursusit NOT knowing that this an exercise, a test!

Eluding and evading the forces of the police [Russians call their police "militia"] and the troops of the MVD [Interior Forces]. Those MVD units using DOGS that can bite and even kill you.

"The MVD uses dogs on exercises, and the dogs do not understand the difference between an exercise and real fighting."

Those dogs not only can bite, but WANT to bite!

C'est le guerre! And for those being pursued and those in pursuit, it might as well really be war!


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