Thursday, May 6, 2010


This is coolbert:

“the tip of the iceberg.”

Thanks to the Jerusalem Post and the tip from Robert, more troubling headlines regarding the "transfer" of very sophisticated weapons technology to Hezbollah, the "best light infantry" in the world.

A capacity for mischief that outpaces even the military capability of medium-sized "world-powers" such as France or England?

" Hizbullah received hundreds of Syrian missiles"

"Hizbullah has received hundreds of advanced surface-to-surface missiles from Syria that are capable of targeting Tel Aviv and causing extensive damage to Israel in the event of a future war with the Iranian-backed Shi’ite guerrilla groups, it was recently revealed.""

"The Syrian-made surface-to-surface missile, called the M600, is based on a solid propellant and is a clone of an Iranian missile called the Fateh-110. The M600 has a range of 250 km., carries a 500-kg. conventional warhead and is equipped with a sophisticated navigation system, giving Hizbullah accuracy it did not have until now."

“Hizbullah of 2006 is different from the 2010 model in terms of military capability, in which it has greatly improved,” Baidatz [Brig.-Gen. Yossi Baidatz], head of Military Intelligence’s [AMAN] Research Division emphasized.

AMAN, Israeli military intelligence as opposed to the Mossad, the civilian intelligence agency. AMAN is a formidable force just of itself, complimenting and even out-doing the Mossad?

"Best light infantry in the world", now equipped with very sophisticated and very lethal rocket artillery! NOT just rocket artillery either. Missiles that have guidance and can deliver a pretty big wallop with accuracy over long-range!!

Previously we were talking about SCUD's, disassembled and existing in only limited [??] numbers! NOW we are talking about HUNDREDS of rockets/missiles of formidable capability that represents a MUCH GREATER THREAT to Israel than the SCUDS's!!


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