Sunday, May 30, 2010


This is coolbert:

More Russian attempts to re-write the history of the Second World War [WW2]? Here thanks to RIA Novosti.

"Russia Stalin twice called off Hitler assassination attempts - historian"

[the historian in this particular case is a retired Soviet general officer.]

"The Soviet leadership had at least two real chances to assassinate Adolf Hitler, but Stalin cancelled the plans"

"A concrete plan to assassinate Hitler in his bunker was developed, but Stalin suddenly cancelled it in 1943 over fears that after Hitler's death his associates would conclude a separate peace treaty with Britain and the United States"

Some comments of mine:

* Hitler did seem to have a very charmed life. Actually plots or attempts on the life of the man were in the DOZENS! NONE successful. Someone or something was "rolling" with Hitler! I don't necessarily like to think of who that someone might be.

* The British in October 1941 had alerted the Soviets to a major conference of senior German commanders - - to occur in Orsha, occupied Soviet Union. ONE OF THE PARTICIPANTS WAS SLATED TO BE HITLER! Massed Soviet Air Force aircraft could have bombed the meeting, killing all present, to include Hitler - - but nothing happened [indeed, this was the intention of the English in the first place?]. This alert was due to decrypted Ultra intercepts? That would be my guess.

* Both the Americans and British during WW2 made extraordinary efforts to allay the suspicions of Stalin that the western allies would make a separate peace with Hitler. ALL THE WHILE THE BACK-STABBER STALIN WAS CONSIDERING MAKING A SEPARATE PEACE OF HIS OWN!! As late as 1943, Molotov and Ribbentrop met in occupied Soviet territory to discuss a truce and peace between Germany and the Soviet Union!! This effort too was known to the allies. Probably again - - through decrypted Ultra intercepts!!


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