Friday, May 14, 2010


This is coolbert:

Thanks again to Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily and the G2 Bulletin for this story.

The go-signal having been given by the "Star Chamber", Anwar the Islamic cleric now residing in Yemen [?] is in the cross-hairs of the British.

The U.S. government has given the go-ahead to "off" Anwar, but is not willing to do the job itself? Has contracted the job to the British?

British SAS with the help of MI6 [British Secret Service], is now hunting Anwar, with a vengeance.

"Assassins hunt for al-Awlaki"

"British move follows Obama's authorization for 'hit'"

"LONDON – Britain's Ministry of Defense has transferred its top SAS assassination team from Baghdad to Yemen to try to kill one of the world's most dangerous al-Qaida strategists, Anwar al-Awlaki"

"Attached to the hit squad are MI6 specialists equipped with the latest tracking equipment. Awlaki . . . has been linked to last week's failed attack on Britain's ambassador in Sana"

Anwar has been "linked" to Nidal the Ft. Hood shooter AND the Christmas Day airplane bomber. Due process has been rendered in secret against Anwar and he is dead meat?

"Obama had taken the extraordinary step of authorizing the targeted killing of al-Awlaki, an American citizen."

American authorities - - not wanting to get their hands dirty - - have left the task of finding Anwar and bringing the man to justice [execution] in the hands of the English!! So it seems!!


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