Thursday, March 25, 2010


This is coolbert:

From the Chicago Tribune today. This cannot be seen as anything but GOOD?

"U.S. and Russia agreed to cut nuclear arsenals"

"Arm pact said to overcome last hurdles: missile defense and verifying compliance"

"WASHINGTON - - American And Russian officials have reached a deal to slash their nuclear arsenals after eight months of unexpectedly tough negotiations, sources close to the talks said Wednesday."

"[it has been] agreed to reduce the number of long-range nuclear warheads deployed by each nation from a ceiling to 2,200 to between 1,500 and 1,675 [each]"

The average-everyday-man-in-the-street is not aware of the vast reductions in nuclear arsenals THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE??!!

Very marked reductions already - - for some time now - - in the nuclear arsenals, the most potent striking force available to the Soviet/Russians and Americans.

A trend that continues.

Some of these graphs on the number of warheads previously available to each side tell a most interesting story.

Maximum production and deployment of U.S. nuclear warheads peaked in the mid-1960's! Around 30,000 atomic weapons of all types could be fielded by the American military. Total as of today DEPLOYED is 2,626 nukes with another 6,774 "in reserve/to be dismantled"!!

Soviet/Russian warhead numbers peaked in-and-around 1989 at about 40,000 nuclear weapons available and deployed. Today that number is 12,000, 4,650 on-station, 7,350 "in reserve/to be dismantled"!

MAJOR reductions in quantity of nuclear weaponry available has ALREADY OCCURRED! And will continue to do so!

This remarkable achievement of disarmament is only worthy of praise!


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