Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This is coolbert:

"'every soldier without exception would take part'."

"understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometres through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle'." - - J. Stalin in conversation with Milovan Djilas.

"'the minute they saw a female, whether you were young or old, whether you were 8, 80, 18, or 28, they didn’t care. They raped you whether you were pretty, ugly, fat, skinny, it didn’t matter. It was a female.'"

Here thanks to Der Spiegel some articles dealing with the topic of rape during war time.

In particular, the rape of German women during World War Two [WW2]. The invading, all-conquering Red Army [allies to a much lesser extent too] raping German women, doing so on a mass basis, joyfully, with abandon and without the slightest degree of inhibition.

Behavior, seemly in the extreme, brutal and barbaric, widespread, all-pervasive, deplorable, AND - - TOO - - condoned and even encouraged.

It is estimated that about 2 million German women at the very end of the war and EVEN IN THE AFTERMATH OF SURRENDER, WERE RAPED BY RED ARMY TROOPS!!

"Lost Red Army Children Search for Fathers"

"New German Study Looks at Rape Trauma 60 Years On"

"German Woman Writes Ground-Breaking Account of WW2 Rape"

Please do not think, however, that this sort of behavior on the part of the Red Army soldier was strictly confined to Germany OR DIRECTED SOLELY AT GERMAN WOMEN. WHERE EVER THE RED ARMY MARCHED AND CONQUERED, DURING THE ADVANCE TOWARD BERLIN, RAPE WAS A CONSTANT - - A GIVEN - - AN ALMOST OBLIGATORY BYPRODUCT OF THE WAR!!

And this rape, this sexual violence, is NOT merely a product of lust gone wild! Is an expression of raw power, the conqueror demonstrating their power over the vanquished!! "You are weak - - we are strong!!"

"When soldiers commit rape during war, it is not just 'to humiliate a particular individual,' . . . It also represents a 'signal to the enemy population that its political leadership and its own army can no longer guarantee its safety'"

"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your
enemies and chase them before you, to rob
them of their wealth and see those dear
to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp
to your bosom their wives and daughters
." - - Genghis Khan.


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