Monday, March 29, 2010


This is coolbert:

"War makes all other activity of man seem trivial by comparison!" - - G. Patton.

Very good episode on the CBS evening news today. Dealing with the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. Thank you CBS.

"In Iraq, The Mother of All Moves"

"From Tanks to Toothpicks, Tons of Equipment Being Moved with U.S. Troops in Biggest Withdrawal Since Vietnam"

Equipment, a winnowing process in place. Equipment, according to type and need, selected for:

* Junking.
* Turn over the Iraqi Army.
* Send back to the U.S.
* Send to Afghan.

The statistics are indeed staggering:

* "The withdrawal is projected to cost more than $150 billion"

* "On any given day there are 4,500 trucks on the road, travelling in huge convoys"

"Combat gear bound for Afghanistan gets priority. The rest -- moving at night to maintain a low profile -- goes to ports in Kuwait or Amman for shipping home."

It is NO WONDER that many career military officers have business degrees or an advanced degree such as a MBA! This withdrawal from Iraq is a warehouse operation, WRIT LARGE! Lieutenants think tactics, generals think logistics!


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