Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This is coolbert:

This is a major news item today!

From the Chicago Tribune. [a major Internet news story too!]


"India spices up arsenal with chili grenades"

"GAUHATI, India - - The Indian military has a new weapon against terrorism, the world's hottest chili."

"After conducting tests, the military has decided to use the thumb-size 'bhut jolokia,' or 'ghost chili,' to make tear-gas like hand grenades to immobilize suspects."

"It [bhut jolokia] has more than 1,000,000 Scovill units . . . Classic Tabasco sauce ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 . . . units, while jalapeno peppers measure anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000 [units]"

A solution obtained from the chili to be used in a type of grenade during close-quarters combat with terrorists. Instantly paralyzing - - akin to a flash-bang or concussion grenade. NON-LETHAL, but still every effective.

An intense sensation of pain that will instantly overpower and immobilize the opponent!!??

Why NOT!! Field test on Daood if possible.


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