Saturday, March 6, 2010


This is coolbert:

Saw some TV coverage of this military aircraft the other day.

At first I thought I was seeing a Boeing C-17 transport in action.

BUT NO - - it is the A400M transport.

The Airbus A400M military transport. A size between the C-130 and the C-17?

Brand new design, swept back wings, BUT using turboprop engines with the eight-bladed propellors. An airplane only making the maiden flight several months ago now!!

Seeing a "jet" aircraft and not seeing the JETS is a surprise to many? Those turboprop engines can and do give a good performance, more efficient than a jet engine and yet the performance is not that much less.

And this Airbus transport is not merely going to be a "transport"? Using modules, the aircraft will be able to "morph" into forms, each form having a specific non-tranport mission.

"The Airbus A400M will operate in many configurations including cargo transport, troop transport, Medical evacuation, aerial refuelling, and electronic surveillance."

The plane does look sharp! Things that look good, quite often are good?!


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