Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This is coolbert:

"They must not be mobbed or lynched but tried regularly for murder and as many other crimes as the Attorney can approve; but the military authorities should see that these prisoners never escape alive, for they are the very impersonation of Murder, robbery, arson, and all the capital crimes of the Statute Book." - - W.T. Sherman.

The decision by the Obama administration to try suspected Al Qaeda terrorists in a civilian court as common criminals is based to some extent UPON PRECEDENT FROM THE DAYS OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN WARS?

There is nothing new under the sun! Infamous banditti, perpetrators of atrocity, tried in a civilian court rather than by military tribunal, finds a precedent from a case in 1871.

An incident that involved the personal attention of Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, William Tecumseh Sherman. Thanks here to the wiki:

The "Trial of Satanta and Big Tree".

"The Trial of Satanta and Big Tree occurred in July 1871 . . . This historic trial of Native American War Chiefs of the Kiowa Indians Satanta and Big Tree for the murder of seven teamsters during a raid . . . marked the first time the United States had tried Native American Chiefs in a state court. The trial attracted national, indeed, even international, attention."

"Sherman then hit on the ingenious idea of sending the Indian Chiefs to Jacksboro, Texas to be tried in state court for murder . . . This would deny them any vestige of rights as a prisoner of war, which they might keep in a military court martial, and send a message that acts by a war party would be regarded as common crimes rather than legitimate resistance by representatives of a Sovereign state"


I have serious doubts that Eric Holder is even aware of this particular case. NOT even on the radar screen with regard to the proposed trial of captured Al Qaeda terrorists.

[Big Tree after his trial, conviction, and incarceration ended up "smelling like a rose"! Became a Baptist minister, a preacher and zealous convert to Christianity! Even in 1871 - - American justice was JUST!]


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