Friday, February 5, 2010


This is coolbert:

"It boils down to the key issue of respect - - respect for everyone's right to practice their faith as they choose."

From the Chicago Tribune just several days ago now:

"New pagan site vandalized at Air Force Academy"

More trouble at the USAF Air Force Academy.

Again, the problem stems from the perceived excessive religiosity of some cadets.

Excessive religiosity - - a manifestation of fundamentalist Christianity run amuck? Also again, as perceived by outsiders, an atmosphere has been created that is unfriendly to those not of the fundamentalist Christian persuasion.

Vandalism in this case, directed against: "a designated worship area for Wiccans".

"DENVER - - The Air Force Academy, stung several year ago by accusations of Christan bias, has built an outdoor worship area for pagans and other practitioners of Earth-based religions."

Just recently, however, this "outdoor worship area" was vandalized: "a large wooden cross placed there."

The Wiccan religion is sometimes called "white witchcraft". A paganism, a return to the ancient religious beliefs and practices of pre-Christian Europe, stressing "respect for Earth, nature and the seasons." And a healthy respect for the creative power of nature, meaning fertility and procreation.

Desecration of the pagan Wiccan site, a "collection of stones set in a circle" is a serious offense? NO different than if a Christian chapel had been desecrated in some manner. Intolerance for the faiths of others is rampant at the academy? The military leaders of the future have within their midst a group of over-zealous bigots?

Recall from several years ago the criticism of the number-one graduating cadet at the academy, the head of his class, for having included in an e-mail religious references. An incident that was "overblown" and distorted?

This desecration is a prank? Some morons thinking they are scoring points, but only in their imagination?

Personally, I have great respect and admiration for all those persons that make the cut and merit entry into the various military academies. Persons normally of high repute, with principles and moral fiber, future leaders with integrity.

And too, the number of Wiccan practitioners at the USAF Academy has to be small? A dozen perhaps at the most, if that? Maybe I am wrong. Nonetheless, whatever the number, respect for their faith is mandated and a given? I hope so.


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