Friday, February 12, 2010


This is coolbert:

"a small amount . . . could disorient and turn psychotic an entire company of soldiers leaving them harmless and unable to fight."

Here from the Jeff Rense web site, some sensationalist headlines, current!

Jeff and his web site relish with great pleasure the conspiratorial type of material, and the more salacious and extreme the better.

"French Government Queries US re 50s Secret LSD Experiment"

It is alleged that French villagers, in the south of France, from 1951, were subjected to mass-experimentation, sprayed with an aerosol of LSD, causing hallucinations and psychosis on an unimaginable scale. A spraying conducted by entities of the U.S. government?

The French DGSE is NOW "asking" American authorities to clarify, if possible. From over almost sixty years ago now, the facts - - secret up unto this point - - will now be made public?

Recall from some time ago now the case of James R. Thornwell. American U.S. Army communications clerk. Thought to have been involved in espionage while serving in France during the Cold War. Missing cryptographic documents were the source of an investigation, the main subject of which was Thornwell. The man was put through the rigors of counter-intelligence interrogation, WHICH INCLUDED THE SURREPTITIOUS USE OF LSD!!

The case of the missing cryptographic documents was NEVER resolved!! In all likelihood, Thornwell was NOT guilty of anything, only a suspect that became an unfortunate as the result of over-zealous methods being employed.

LSD and other "chemicals" were investigated as "possibles" in the search for a truth serum that was reliable. A "chemical" that when administered during an interrogation, would cause the subject to "talk" and talk the truth. Each and every "chemical" investigated was found to be unreliable, not worthy of consideration as an antidote to the "interrogation problem"!

[the interrogation "problem" boils down to this - - how to get someone to talk when that subject does not want to talk - - and then how to know that what is being told is the truth and is not misinformation, deliberate or otherwise!]


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