Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This is coolbert:

“Kids are just not able to do push-ups… And they can’t do pull-ups. And they can’t run.”

Here from the web site - - "Danger Room":

"75% of Potential Recruits Too Fat, Too Sickly, Too Dumb to Serve"

"More than three-quarters of the nation’s 17- to 24-year-olds couldn’t serve in the military, even if they wanted to. They’re too fat, too sickly, too dumb, have too many kids, or have copped to using illegal drugs."


* This has been a topic of concern FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS NOW!! More than half of American youth are incapable of military service under any conditions, due to either physical or mental feebleness!!

* This is a phenomenon noted since the time of American entry into World War One [WW1]! Is not merely a modern problem, historically has been a dilemma for the military. The consensus of the military in 1917 was that the American people consisted of a race of morons!

* That 75 % is a combination of physical and MENTAL problems. Inability to read, do simple math, communicate in standard American English, etc. Just plain ordinary low IQ is an impediment to enlistment?

* And is not going to get better. Measures for many decades to combat the lack of fitness in American youth have just not succeeded. All that emphasis on sports is mostly an emphasis on participating in sports as a SPECTATOR?

* The U.S. military, when you undergo the military physical, takes a sample of your hair for drug testing? NOT just a urine sample. Testing that hair will reveal ALL historical drug usage, so no use trying to lie.

* Recall the requirements of that very selective military force, the French Foreign Legion [FFL]. The FFL submits potential recruits to a series of physical tests PRIOR to induction [push-ups, sit-ups, rope-climb, rhythmic race]! The FFL wants recruits to possess some sort of physical aptitude before they become a member of the Legion. Slackers and those obese or feeble in some manner NOT even apply!!

Consider this too:

"about 12 percent of all U.S. military-eligible youth show an interest in military service."

Presumably that "12 percent" consists of those that have a pretty good sense of their eligibility, being able to meet physical and mental requirements - - in advance? So the worry is not so extreme as it may seem. ONLY if universal conscription was introduced would there be a problem, and I doubt very much we will ever see the draft again!!

That guy with the gut needs to contact Jenny Craig and fast!


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