Friday, November 27, 2009

Battle Array - - As-Saff.

This is coolbert:

This one surprises?

The phenomenon of the military hero wannabee is not confined merely to modern times?

Is a phenomenon that has always been with us?

Self-aggrandized persons [wannabees] who claim to have accomplished brave and noble deeds on the battlefield, when the reality is far different.

Even in the earliest times of Islam, when Mohammad was in mortal physical conflict [warfare] with those opposed to him, there were those allied with the Prophet who made extravagant and outlandish claims as to their heroism and valor on the battlefield? Seems it is so!

Here from: Suras 61, “Battle Array,” As-Saff.

"Allah 'loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array' (v. 4). He dislikes those believers who say they have done things they didn’t do. Ibn Kathir explains: 'Some said that it was revealed about the gravity of fighting in battle, when one says that he fought and endured the battle, even though he did not do so. Qatadah and Ad-Dahhak said that this Ayah [verse] was sent down to admonish some people who used to say that they killed, fought, stabbed, and did such and such during battle, even though they did not do any of it.'”

Within the modern context, the wannabee war hero is a SEAL/Special Forces/Ranger/Marine Recon, I-could-tell-you-all-of-what-I-did-during-the-war-but-it-is-all-strictly-TOPSECRET!

During the time of Mohammad: [so I imagine!]

* "I fought at the side of the Prophet!"
* "I vanquished twelve enemy single-handedly!"
* "I received commands directly from Abu Bakr!"
* "I was wounded a dozen times at the Battle of Badr."

OH YES!! The impostor/poseur'/fake war hero has always been with us, and always will be, regardless of point in time or cultural domain? I think so!


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