Sunday, October 18, 2009


This is coolbert:

"surely foreign elements, particularly those linked to the global arrogance were involved".

These sort of comments create a lot of worry. Dire reprisals are promised. Suicide bombing begets suicide bombing?

"Iran vows response to suicide blast "

A suicide attack in Baluchistan [on the border between Iran and Pakistan] directed at Revolutionary Guards commanders has claimed a lot of victims.

A group, Sunni Muslim as opposed to the predominantly Shia of Iran, claims responsibility?

But the Iranians suspect other actors as well?

"According to state media, an armed Sunni group claimed responsibility for the attack"

"Iran has promised a swift and crushing response to a suicide attack in the country's Sistan-Baluchestan province that killed at least 35 people, including 11 Revolutionary Guards commanders."

Code words are being bandied about here right and left:

* Foreign elements.

* Global arrogance.

That means the U.S. and perhaps other players, such as Britain? Anglo-American interests beware?

This is merely locals raising havoc? NOT having "foreign elements" as mentors? In the minds of the Iranians, their perspective is that - - anything that goes wrong - - is undoubtedly "foreign elements" - - "global arrogance"!


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