Monday, September 14, 2009


This is coolbert:

The Coast Guard stepped on it three days ago? A training exercise - - on 9/11 - - gone bad?

"Potomac panic: Coast Guard training exercise causes fear on 9-11 anniversary"

"WASHINGTON — It was a routine U.S. Coast Guard training exercise but it came on a day - and in a location - that touched off a brief panic in the U.S. capital on Friday, the eighth anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks."

"the training exercise was run of the mill. . . but it was conducted with no advance word to the White House, the Secret Service, the media or other law enforcement agencies."

"The panic resulted from a civilian with a scanner intercepting communications on a Coast Guard channel during the exercise"

This particular news item was a topic for discussion on the local talk radio program this morning.

The U.S. Coast Guard, running a training exercise on the Potomac River, chasing a notional "bad guy", taking out the notional "bad guy" with notional "gun fire"! All this on 9/11, while commemorative ceremonies are being carried out nearby! Originally reported by CNN as a REAL incident with REAL gunfire [ten rounds reported fired!] occurring!

[the REAL gunfire was a Coast Guard Admiral saying over the radio: "Bang - Bang - Bang - Bang"]

An exercise being monitored on unsecured radio frequencies by a civilian using a commercial scanner, hearing what was thought to be a REAL-WORLD possible terrorist incident, NOT knowing it was an exercise.

There was a stir created over this "exercise" in that the public was not forewarned of the event! Panic, whatever was created, or more correctly concern, could have been averted if someone in authority had been alerted and the word passed down the line.

A caller to the local radio talk show, a self-described FIRST RESPONDER, suggests that forewarning is not always the way to go. YOU DO NOT ALWAYS WANT TO ALERT THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN ADVANCE OF SUCH TRAINING EXERCISES!

The villains, the jihadi, are keenly interested in such "exercises", anti-terrorist in nature, and have agents of espionage [spies] that monitor and personally observe the exercises, as best they can. Want to know the who, what, when, where, why and how regarding the FIRST RESPONDERS! Such info is vital to the furtherance of those planning terrorist attacks in the U.S.

The intention of the jihadi when planning a terrorist attack is not only to kill and maim as many innocents as possible, but in addition to injure, kill, maim as many of the FIRST RESPONDERS, obstructing any and all rescue efforts to as great a degree as well!

The counter-terrorism authorities in the U.S. are aware of these spies and in a deliberate manner are NOT warning the public in advance so as to preclude jihadi observance and intelligence gathering?

[jihadi operatives personally observing training exercises of an anti-terrorist nature are no better than spies. The punishment for spies in wartime is ordinarily death, with all due speed! Merely observing the exercises with the intent to systematically glean information of whatever nature is espionage in wartime! Punishable by death!!]


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