Sunday, September 6, 2009


This is coolbert:

“Every minute, there are about two to three people that will die from malaria in the world,”

If this works, this is a breakthrough of the most monumental proportions. All because of the research for a military medical prophylactic!

"Navy Researchers Work on Malaria Vaccine"

"WASHINGTON, Aug. 31, 2009 – Researchers at the Naval Medical Research Center are testing a malaria vaccine officials hope will protect both troops and civilians in tropical and subtropical regions afflicted by the disease."

"Malaria affects 300 million to 500 million people throughout the world and kills about 1.5 million people per year . . . Malaria caused more lost work days among U.S. military personnel during the 20th century than enemy fire in all conflicts in tropical regions combined"

A vaccine for malaria has been found? Is now in the trial stages? This hold great promise for the MILITARY AND CIVILIAN SECTOR BOTH!!

A recent edition of the National Geographic carried an article dealing with the malaria. Some fantastic figures were bandied about regarding this very old scourge of mankind. Something like half of the humans that have EVER LIVED have either outright died from malaria or where stricken to the extent that their life expectancies were markedly reduced!!

Further comments:

* The British fabled Fourteenth Army of the Arakan in Burma during World War Two [WW2] suffered twelve casualties from tropical diseases for every one combat casualty! A large portion of those casualties were from malaria. Such is the debilitating effect of warfare in the tropics.

Pray that this vaccine works. This is big?


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