Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This is coolbert:

Thanks to CBS and the evening news last night:

"Al Qaeda Bombers Learn from Drug Smugglers"

"Al Qaeda has developed a new tactic that allows suicide bombers to breach even the tightest security"

A suicide bombing mission this last August, with the intention of: "killing Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, head of Saudi Arabia's counter terrorism operations."

This villain: "Abdullah Asieri . . . avoided detection by two sets of airport security including metal detectors and palace security. He spent 30 hours in the close company of the prince's own secret service agents - all without anyone suspecting a thing."

"How did he do it?"

"Asieri had a pound of high explosives, plus a detonator inserted in his rectum"

[this is not exactly how drug smugglers conceal contraband in their bodies. Normally the drugs would be place in a condom, the condom knotted and then swallowed, the package then excreted as part of the normal process of bodily evacuation!]

The bomb exploded while Asieri was sitting next to the Prince, the detonation occurring in response to a text message sent to a cell phone actually being held in the hand of the Prince at the time.

The Prince was wounded [to what extent is not made clear], but not killed.

Inserting an explosive with detonator in the rectum, the explosive set off remotely via cell phone, is a worrying and troubling event? TSA will have to take note and measures of a draconian nature adopted?

This bad guy evaded all detection for a full day plus, all the while having to pass through extensive and presumably elaborate security check points, all manner of device being used, with full body search [?] as well, to detect any and all threats to one of the most important men in the Saudi kingdom.

There is precedent for this sort of thing?

It is believed that the two Russian airliners brought down by bombs several years ago were also the result of plastic explosive smuggled aboard by lady suicide bombers [Chechens], the explosives concealed in that particular body cavity peculiar to the female anatomy. ONLY one-quarter [1/4] of C4 is reputed necessary to bring down a commercial jet airliner?

ONLY a body scan with a CT machine or a x-ray would have detected this bomb and detonator? And that was not thought of?

To be forewarned is to be forearmed? TSA please adopt appropriate measures! What will those be?


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