Saturday, July 18, 2009


This is coolbert:

"because this regiment, and especially this battalion, is such a fucking good one, I have almost no doubt that we will be the first to put foot onshore.”

The first to put foot onshore - - on Japanese soil - - 1945. The invasion of Japan.

Here thanks to the tip from Steve, and courtesy of the New Yorker, a short story, fiction, newly discovered and published [?]:

"Rat Beach" - - by William Styron

An American U.S. Marine Corps infantry lieutenant, callow and never having experienced combat, scared "shitless", contemplating the forthcoming invasion of Japan! An invasion in which his division, his regiment, his battalion, his company, would be the first to hit the beaches!!

From the short story: "the Vww12 unit at Duke"

This was the "V-12 Navy College Training Program". Young men, able, intelligent, educated to graduate of secondary level - - potential officer material, but still too young and immature in the eyes of the military, sent to college for an accelerated university education, combined with physical fitness training. Year-round college, no breaks, preparing young men for officer candidacy.

"The V-12 Navy College Training Program was designed to supplement the force of commissioned officers in the United States Navy during World War II . . . more than 125,000 men were enrolled in the V-12 program in 131 colleges and universities in the United States."

"V-12 participants were required to carry 17 credit hours and 9-1/2 hours of physical training each week. Study was year-round, and the number of terms for a trainee depended on his previous college background . . . Marine candidates went to boot camp and then to the 12-week Officer Candidate Course at Quantico, Virginia. The curriculum was heavy on math and science for "regulars" (those entering college for the first time)."

The V-12 program was a uniquely American idea that proved very successful. A number of post-war American luminaries were graduates of the program. The U.S. military does come up with some good ideas that benefit the society AS A WHOLE!!


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