Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Philip of Greece.

glishThis is coolbert:

"Philip of Greece a god - - Philip - - a god??!!"

"Prince Philip, they hardly know ye"

"A South Pacific 'cargo cult' petitions its deity for bags of rice and a Land Rover."

"Vanuatu - the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu."

Vanuatu, formerly known as the New Hebrides, Melanesia!

As unlikely as it sounds, a few thousand villagers on the island of Tanna worship the 85-year-old prince [Philip] as a deity, holding hope that he will one day appear among them, dispensing gifts."

"'He is a god, not a man,' . . . 'Sometimes we hear his voice, but we can't see him.'

"The unusual beliefs held by the inhabitants of Yaohnanen and surrounding villages in the jungles of Tanna first emerged in the 1960s, anthropologists say."

The cargo cult is alive and well and thriving in Vanuatu. Islands of the South Pacific, Melanesia, inhabited by persons who worship Prince Philip of Greece, consort to Elizabeth II, Queen of England [Missus Kwin]!! NOT dating from the 1960's? Pre-dates that time?

The cargo cult phenomenon appearing in the aftermath of World War Two. Melanesian natives of the various islands of the South Pacific, leading a stone-age existence, responding to the appearance of the modern world in the form of the American military!

Natives of the area, practicing a religion, emulating perceived actions of the American military man, all in the effort to obtain "cargo". Material goads unloaded from aircraft and ships, "supplies" brought from a "far-and-distant-place"! Supplies, "cargo" that will assuredly arrive in response to the proper combination of supplication, incantation, and ritual pantomime similar to the behavior of American troops involved in logistics operations.

["supplication", "incantation" and "ritual pantomime" such as talking into a fake radio, setting up marker panels for an air drop, or signalling out to sea with an ALDIS lamp to non-existent naval ships!!]

In this particular case, Prince Philip is the man [god] of the hour. In other locales throughout Melanesia, the "god" is a white man called "Tom Navy" or "John Frum"! Prince Philip did see extensive military service during World War Two, BUT NOT in the Pacific theatre, other than to witness the surrender of the Japanese.

And Philip, hurry up with that rice and the Land Rover. Time is awaiting on NO ONE!


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