Saturday, June 13, 2009

Air France 447.

This is coolbert:

Again, back to the topic of Air France 447. The plane crash the cause of which has yet to be determined. And this too is another item that must have caused a mild stir in some quarters. There were persons on board the airliner whose death would have been high on the "wish list" of certain villains and groups of villains!!

"Key figures in global battle against illegal arms trade lost in Air France crash"

"Amid the media frenzy and speculation over the disappearance of Air France's ill-fated Flight 447, the loss of two of the world's most prominent figures in the war on the illegal arms trade and international drug trafficking has been virtually overlooked."

* "Pablo Dreyfus, a 39-year-old Argentine"

* "Ronald Dreyer, a Swiss diplomat"

Two persons prominent in the fight against "the illegal arms trade and international drug trafficking" were aboard Flight 447!!

The thinking would be - - the flight was brought down by a bomb to kill those two individuals, the deaths of the remaining passengers being of no consequence.

AND THERE IS PRECEDENT FOR THIS SORT OF THING! To kill one person, an entire passenger jet is brought down! There is the incident of the airliner being bombed upon the order of Pablo Escobar - - merely to kill one unnamed passenger. An act of terrorism that so outraged President Bush the Elder that a special Colombian army unit was formed solely for the purpose of retaliation - - the hunting down and killing of Escobar!!


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