Sunday, May 17, 2009


This is coolbert:

From the previous blog entry:

"Pakistan's nuclear program may already be infected with the virus of radicalism from within, as demonstrated by the Sultan Bashiruddin incident."

This particular Sultan Bashiruddin that is being spoken about, is a Pakistani with Taliban sympathies [??] and a man WHO HAS ACTUALLY SPOKEN [??] TO OSAMA ABOUT THE FEASIBILITY FOR AL QAEDA TO OBTAIN NUCLEAR WEAPONRY!!

"Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood . . . is a Pakistani nuclear engineer and Islamic scholar. . . He is well known for his contacts and sympathies for Taliban . . . Sultan Mahmood is also a Islamic scholar as well as a scientific scholar."

Such a meeting, between Sultan and Osama, if true, is the source of a lot of anxiety among U.S. officials! Especially after 9/11! The threat of an atomic attack upon an American city is not just a mirage. There is a real basis to such fears?

"In August 2001, Mahmood . . . met with Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in Afghanistan. 'There is little doubt that Mahmood talked to the two Al Qaeda leaders about nuclear weapons'"

Here from the wiki, the dialog between Sultan and Osama - - where Sultan tells bin Laden to nix plans for BUILDING HIS OWN ATOMIC WEAPON!!

"'it's not easy, you need a big institutions and big amount of money, not couple thousand [Pakistani] rupees. You should forget it.' 'Look, I cannot build nuclear bomb by myself and it's not possible for me to build a nuclear bomb solely; plus Pakistan's government is too sensitive in this matter'".

I guess the thought would be - - for Osama and Zawahiri - - if we cannot build our own bomb - - then just capture one or more intact!!??

Too, these jihadi types are able to reach into the very upper elite of their societies and find sympathetic individuals who can give aid and comfort! Osama and Zawahiri are from the very upper crust of the Saudi and Egyptian elites respectively. Able to move within the ummah and find converts regardless of national boundaries or affiliation!!


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