Friday, May 29, 2009

Misleading II. [Conclusion]

This is coolbert:

"'I’m almost ashamed to say it,' . . . 'but I’ve never had so much fun in my life. Those nights of the occupation were fantastic.'” - - Fabienne Jamet, a [French] madame.

"mad⋅am - - 3. the woman in charge of a house of prostitution."

"New book lays bare French collaboration with the Nazis"

"An unusual history of the Nazis in France has trampled on one of the country’s most painful taboos by focusing on women who slept with the enemy during the occupation."

Horizontal collaboration is the term preferred in France? Frenchwomen, willingly having sexual relations with German soldiers. Women debauching themselves with the enemy conqueror!

This particular expose', however, is misleading? These were not your average-everyday-Frenchwoman allowing the German soldier to have his way with her. These Frenchwomen performing horizontal collaboration were for the most part PROSTITUTES, plain, pure, and simple?

An occupation that saw many Frenchwomen turn to prostitution as a means to support themselves and even THRIVE in a time of war. And doing so by catering to the ENEMY!

"Brothels that had been on the verge of closure before the war, as the abolitionist league gained force, enjoyed a dramatic revival as German soldiers poured into France."

“'In less than an hour,' . . . 'a girl who sells her charms to the occupier can earn up to three times the daily allowance that was given to the wives of French prisoners of war in 1941.'”

There were only a very limited number of Frenchwomen raped by the German during the four year long occupation of France, 1940-1944. Generally, the German soldier was just too disciplined, the punishment for misbehavior would have been harsh, AND FRENCH BROTHELS AND PROSTITUTES WERE MORE THAN AMENABLE TO SATISFY THE "NEEDS" OF THE OCCUPIERS!!

Wholesale and wanton "horizontal" collaboration is a figment of the imagination. The facts must be understood in the proper context!


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